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Short Stories!<3
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:25 pm    Post subject: Short Stories!<3 Reply with quote

Right now I'm just going to write a couple stories.
Animals Galore
The Pickford County Animal Sheter is practically where Cecily lives.Cecily Chass is an eleven year old girl.She loves animals and tries to take care of many of them.She is an only child and doesn't have very many friends.Lorraine is also eleven and Cecily's only two legged friend.They help take care of the 53 animals at the shelter.They don't go to school together but they see each other every day.Cecily owns 12 cats,3 horses,and two dogs.Lorraine owns 2 cats,1 dog,1 horse,and 6 guinea pigs.They treat their animals like family.The people at the animal shelter know they're lucky to have them! that one was kinda stupid

Forget Me Not
Jack was a retired thoroughbred racer.He was a stunning dapple grey.He had always been gorgeous until now.After he had finished at the racetrack a girl named Hallie had bought him.Hallie had always cared for him until last year when she was hit by a car.Halie would get up beforeJack was even awake.She would muck out his stall,groom him,feed him,put fly masks on him,blanket him,and just spend time with him.Oh,how he missed Hallie!He was now standing in a trailer headed for he slaughter house.He knew this day was coming.He had been standing with little food or water for two weeks.When Jack got to the slaughterhouse a girl like Halliie bought him and he's never hurt again. Very Happy
Please post your short stories!
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'what was that?'whipserd beccy,a timid girl from down south to her life long friend,Katherine.
'i wouldn't have a clue even if it hit me in the eye'giggled Katherine,who is much like Beccy.
Suddenly a man comes running through the door.
'AHHHHHHHHHHHH!' Beccy and Katherine scream.It's Mr Whippy the icecream man!'
'Mwahahahah' yells the deranged Mr whippy 'I've got you now!'
Beccy and Katherine run out of the house when Mr Whippy yells'Wait, you forgot your icecream!

lol srry bout the spelling something wrong ith the computor
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

cute story Beccy! Okay I've got another one
Alissa Meko started wishing for a dog since the day she was born it seemed.Her dad Pastor Meko was not interested.Her mom Lisi Meko thought that dogs were alright but she would never live with one.Alissa would always play with her friend's dogs,but it wasn't the same.Her best friend Leighanne tried to convince Alissa's parents but it was no use.Her other friend Cecelia found plenty of puppies for her,but the answer always was no.Alissa's room was filled with stuffed dogs and doggy wallpaper.One day her parents told her that she could have a pet.They gave her some fish.Alissa thought it was hopeless.Her neighbors needed to get rid of their cocker spaniel.Alissa's parents finally gave in.Alissa and Emily are best friends! Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rhonda loves to draw, horses, dogs, cats, turtles... you name it. She was also talented! She was smart, pretty, funny, and when a pencil was in her hand, magic happened. But one day she was in a car accident, and she lost the ability to move from the neck down. She kept her pencil on her nightstand and stared in tear at in every night before she went to sleep. She was depressed. One day, Rhonda looked at some kittens playing in her yard and though, I would draw that... if I could She continued to think gasped, "I can do it" She said. She picked up her pencil in her mouth and drew the most lovely picture in the world. Better than any drawings.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

awesome story
Squirrel Girl
One day Melanie was thinking about how she started the squirrel sanctuary. It had all started way back in sixth grade. Some boys had started teasing her about an impression of a cartoon squirrel. Melanie really did like squirrels so she started plotting a squirrel sanctuary. It took her a while to find enough land but finally she did. The squirrels had 100 acres to scamper around on. The first squirrel to come was a cute, female, black squirrel named Delila. There are now about 300 squirrels at Squirrel Girl's Squirrel Sanctuary. Now Melanie doesn't mind being called "Squirrel Girl." Smile
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Fire Opal

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My eyes were glued upon the juicy chicken scraps Fluffy was wolfing down, and I felt my mouth water. “Aw, come on Fluffy, a little teeny-tiny piece won't hurt any.” I sweetly coaxed. A firm “Not a chance!” was the reply between gulps. I sat down on the wooden porch and scowled. A few minutes later Fluffy had managed to clean the whole bowl. “Don't you believe in sharing!” I shouted, trying to use the guilt trick. “Grow up Dash, I already know all forty-seven tricks.” Fluffy scoughed, and had that smug look on her face as she brushed past me. Boy, you sure think you know everything. I bitterly thought. “Daaaaash!” yelled Dad, “Did you get into the garbage?” he asked. I suddenly remembered that morning, when I was bored and knocked over the garbage can looking for some extra hamburger. Uh-oh! I bounded over to the back door to find Dad picking up pieces of card-board and scouping coffee grounds back into the trash can. “Ty, Dash pushed over the garbage can. Do you think you can clean it up?” he shouted through the open door. “Yes sir,” Ty slowly answered. As Ty came through the door he muttered something about dumb dogs. “Hey, it wasn't my falt! Jenna ran off with the chew toy, and Sunny wouldn't give me the squeaky ball. I didn't have anything else to do!” I insisted. Ty didn't seem to hear. I lowered my tail and head, and made those cute, sad, puppy-dog eyes. Ty just grumbled and went on picking up bottlecaps and flinging stray tomato tops back into the trash can. I gave up the act and trotted to the back of the house with my fluffy tail waving high and my neck arched proudly. I found Fluffy and Jenna behind the house, sniffing at an old rain water pipe. “What did you find Fluffy?” I asked. “Hmmm, it smells of rat.” she answered in deep concentration. Jenna rolled her eyes and started off through the brush in a determined fashion. I glanced at Fluffy, her head was stuck in the pipe, and she was sniffling and sucking in the scent. I then glanced toward Jenna, her flashy tail was only visible now and had soon she disipeared in the sage brush. I quickly decided it would be more interesting to explore with Jenna than sniff at an old rusty pipe, and ran after Jenna. For a black and white Pomeranian/Maltese mix she was very fast, and even though I'm a slick purebred Shetland Sheepdog, I had to run fast, or else be left behind in the dust and brush. We had a wonderful time wandering about the countryside, and we even got to chase a few jackrabbits together. Jenna was an exellent hunter, and she would make loud yaps everytime she saw or scented a rabbit. Then the chase was on. I would run as fast as I could toward her yapping, and Jenna would bound after the frightened animal from behind, driving it on. As soon as I saw the rabbit I would run way ahead, then crouch infront of the chase and wait. Jenna drove the rabbit toward me, and in it's fright of was was chasing it from behind, the jackrabbit would be unaware of the danger infront of it. As soon as the leaping rabbit was in sight, I would jump infront of it, and the rabbit would be to suprised to escape. He would be caught. Then we'd dive for the neck together, and work as a team to snap it. Together we would enjoy the fresh meat, then trot off to leave the rest for the scavenging coyotes and ravens. This plan worked very affectively, and Jenna and I managed to capture two rabbits. Soon we were tired and thirsty from the hiking around, and we returned to have a drink of cool water. My feet were sore from the scattered peices of rock and rough terrian, and taking a nap in the cool backyard grass sounded very appealing. I let Jenna have the first drink from the water bucket, and she drank heartily. When she finished lapping up water she scratched on the door to be let inside the house, and she left me to relax alone. I gulped a few moutfuls of clean water down my dry throut, and curled up in the green, fresh grass. I fell asleep almost immediatly, and napped for a few short hours. When I awoke it was sunset, and I was awed at the beauty of the swirled pink and orange colors. It was so bright, so colorful. I felt glad to be there and witness the wonder. It looked like a million shining dreams and hopes all swirled together into an amazing sight. The voice of Paige calling me to come inside the house broke my concentration. I shook my head to come to my scences, and swiftly bounded on through the open door. I was still a bit drowsy from my nap, and fell asleep again infront of the fireplace below the television. Paige, Ty, Dad, and Mom were all in the same room watching a T.V. show together, so I helped myself and curled up. I did not sleep through the night, due to the very loud rattleing of Milton as he chewed on his cage bars and improved his nest. I didn't feel the least bit tired though it was 6:40 in the morning. My nap had given me all the refreshing I needed, so I briskly walked over to Milton's cage to observe him with mild curiousity. For a tiny yellow/tan gerbil, he sure made alot of noise. “Why do you chew on your cage bars like that?” I asked. “My teeth never stop growing. I need to wear them down or else they will grow so big that I cannot eat.” Milton replied, while shuffling around some pieces of tissue-paper to his liking. That's strange, my teeth don't grow like that. It must be a pain to have to chew on something all day or your teeth with grow too big. Well, he is a rodent. Maybe rodents like chewing to keep their teeth short. I thought. I grew tired of watching Milton shorten his teeth, and shuffle his bedding, so I wandered into the kitchen and ate some crunchy beef-flavored dog food. Then I paced over to the window and peered outside. There were hardly any lights scattered through the rolling hills and fields. Just then I heard the clock muffle it's hourly song through the house, warning all that sixty minutes has passed in time. I shifted my gaze to the large bulky clock, and saw that it had just turned 7:00. Mom will wake up to put Jenna outside in three.... two.... one! And sure enough, the door to Mom and Dad's bedroom creaked open, and Mom drowsily opened the front door to let Jenna out. I didn't feel like going out into the cold tonight, and I refused to go out when Mom called me. Instead I made a run for Paige's room, and was careful to not wake her up when I lept upon her bed and crawled beneath the covers. There I fell sound asleep again, soothed by the warmth and closeness radiating from Paige's body. “Oooof!” I shouted in startled dismay as Paige kicked me in the side. “Ooops, sorry Dash.” she appalajized. I made a disaproving snarl and crawled out from the bed and covers. I landed myself on the carpet floor and yawed lazily. In a flash Paige was up and dressed, and she hurried to the kitchen for some breakfast. Hmmm, Paige doesn't normaly rush. I thought suspiciously. In only a few seconds Paige had gobbled down her eggs, and had snatched the green leash. Mom put on her coat and Paige leaned toward me to clip the long leash to my leather collar. I followed them outside and was told to leap into the deep red truck, so I quickly obeyed. Excitement and nervousness flowed from Paige. Contentment and a little bit of curiousity flowed from Mom. I wondered where we were going. The nervousness in Paige died down a bit, and I was able to just relax and enjoy the ride. A half an hour in the truck brought us to the Klamath town, and we stopped in the parking lot of Double-C. A million different smells met my nose as I leaped onto the cracked pavement. Dogs, people, food, leather, shampoo, and other unidentifiable scents were floating in the air. But I was perfectly calm in this new inviorment, untroubled by the new sight and smells. I trotted easily through the door with Paige and Mom, and sat quietly while they were talking to a lady at the front desk. Then they led me out the door and into a very large, grassy pen. Other dogs were waiting there. With a few sniffs and snuffles, I gathered their information. The dog farthest from me was a young female Australian Shepherd, her collar sported the words CLARA. In bold letters. She was shivering in excitement, and seemed very bright and cheerful. The middle dog was a large Smooth Collie male. He wore a red bandana with the word Shep written on it with a black perminant-pin. He seemed very serious and bold. The dog closest to me was another female, her scent stated that she was a Border Collie. Gracie was ingraved into the medal panel on her hardy leather coller. She seemed calm and strong. I sat down in-line as Paige and Mom stopped. There were lots of weird objects sitting infront of me, and I asked Gracie, “What are we here for? And what are those odd plastic things?” She opened her mouth to speack, but the yell of a tall women interupted. “OK, we'll send the dogs around in order with the Australian Shepherd, Clara, first.” her voice boomed. And just the second after the women stopped talking, Clara leaped into action, and bounded toward the plastic objects. Clara clumsily jumped over two striped bars, and then just as suddenly as she started, she stopped. Clara froze right infront of the dark gaping mouth of a long hollow blue thing. Her owner, a nine-year-old girl, atempted to coax Clara through, but she wouldn't budge. After five minutes of battleing her with no result, the girl sighed and went around the obstical. “Shep, Shep's turn now.” the lady said. The wise Collie went off at a brisk trot, and glided over the two jumps. He had gained some speed and casually cantered through the blue tunnel. As Shep went back in line, the girl said, “We have done quite alot of practice with him, I don't reckon anyone can do better than him.” she bosted. Then I heard a very soft whisper from Paige. “Dash, just do what the Collie did. I don't think you could do much worse than Clara, but I'd like to show that girl some real spirit and acuracy!” I nodded and licked my snout in anticipation, though I wasn't axactly sure what I was supposed to do with those hard ........things. It was Gracie's turn next, and I have to admit it was sorta' dull to watch. She wore a bord expression as she slowly walked over the striped jumps, and sleepily walked through the tunnel without enthusiasm. Finally the instructor and teacher of the class called my name, and I evenly paced out. I went into a brisk trot, as Shep had done, and carried myself over the jumps. This seemed just natural to me, jumping over the things blocking my path. Then I came to the frightening tunnel. Well, I just closed my eyes and imagined I was just in a giant gopher borrow, tracking the little rodent's scent. When I open my eyes I was walking out of the “scary” tunnel, and felt right proud of myself for being so clever and pleasing Paige. Oh, and don't forget showing that awful girl and show-off Collie a thing or too! So we went around in order for about fifteen more minutes, and I had a grand old time fluffing up my tail right in the face of Shep every time I went back in line. Clara was still having trouble with the tunnel, but at least she managed to blindly bolt through it a few times. Gracie improved a bit, and wasn't as boring to watch as she was when she first started. After a while I started to relize that I was actually enjoying this, the jumping, the tunneling, it was all quite enjoyable. I was a bit disapionted when Paige and Mom started back toward the truck. Through the whole ride home I was dreaming about being a champion agility master, the flashing lights, the cheering crowd, the wind trying to push me back as I speed through the coarse. It all sounded like great fun to me. Pretty soon I noticed that the truck was slowing down, and I happily leapt from the backseat to the dusty driveway as soon as the door was opened. I then greeted Fluffy and Jenna with a loud hello-bark, and a cheerful expression.
OK, so it's not THAT short, but I thought I might post something. Very Happy
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would love to post some stories,but erm..they are way unappropriate for some things I could use from RPing,Id use a story of Katherine..but erm,shes a Vampire and ..nm

You guys stories are great!Good job!
*gives all the story donators a pat on the back*
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Im writing about story ( I have 10 pages so far)about my warrior cat chars. I cannot post it here would be way to long for one and then i'd probaly be banned anyhow because it will have violence lol but I'll post it on my other site when I am not lazy..
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, Opal that story was awesome! I'll dig out another one!
The Jump
There are many jumps or hurdles in our lives.Sometimes it's trying to harness train your cat or pass that biology exam.Sometimes it's a little more serious.Say your closest aunt has cancer or your friend is suffering from depression.Whatever it may be there are many things that could discourage us from being happy.Janet Walker knows what it's like to be discouraged.Ever since she bought her horse Skytee she couldn't get him to jump one single obstacle.Well Janet was determined!Her friend Marina was riding her mixed pony Comet.He would jump anything shorter than he was! " Hey Janet want to hit the trails today?" asked Marina. "Sure,just let me get Skytee tacked up." Janet replied. When they went out on the trail Marina had a seizure.Comet took off and Janet rode for help.There was a fallen tree in their path.janet braced herself and urged Skytee to jump. He had known how to jump all along!Marina was fine and they've ridden and jumped together ever since.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Dear, did you eat the pie I had cooling on the window sill?" Mother asked me as I walked by.

"Nope, I'm clean," I replied, kissing her cheek to show it free of sticky strawberry juice. Mom made the best strawberry pie, better than anyone else's. I grabbed an apple off the table, pushing open the back screen door.

"Hurry up or you'll be late to your job again, Michael," she called to me as I slung myself onto my bike. I waved back, then started through our small cherry orchard. Mom also made the best cherry pie, smooth and sweet like a drink of cool water after a hot day. I stopped suddenly, a glint of metal catching my eye. It was the cleaned pie dish, and curled up next to it, was the scruffiest looking fox! I almost laughed, then continued on my way, and at the end of the day Mom and I laughed at the thought of the strawberry loving fox.

Nice, eh?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Loved it Chrysanthe!
Wishes part 2
Alissa was lying on her bed reading the latest American Girl magazine.Emily was nosing around on the floor."Whatcha doing girl?"Alissa lovingly asked. Emily looked up at her with Alissa's favorite book crumpled in her mouth."Emily! You bad dog! Mom come look at what Emily did this time!" wailed Alissa. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. The other day when Mom and Dad weren't home Emily had had an accident on the carpet! That was right before she got loose! Alissa and her older brother Steven had ran all around the neighborhood before they cornered her! When Mom got in the room she said "That's it! She is going to the pound first thing in the morning!" then she stomped off. Alissa wasn't going to let that happen! She picked up the fuzzy pink phone and called Leighanne.Leighanne rudely told her that she couldn't be friends with a runaway! Next she called Cecelia.Cecelia was reluctant but finally agreed to come with her pets too of course! Then she thought of Lorraine who would have been very eager to help if she wasn't on vacation.They did have one friend who had just gotten her license that had an r.v. That friend was Elise. They got packed up and ran away with their pets as quickly as possible! Then Cecelia had a brainstorm.they could breed Emily ansd sell her puppies! Now they just had to find a good Cocker Spaniel up for stud! Smile
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Joined: 20 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kat66 wrote:
I would love to post some stories,but erm..they are way unappropriate for some things I could use from RPing,Id use a story of Katherine..but erm,shes a Vampire and ..nm

Hee. I write stories sometimes--maybe I can get one up here later (I'm actually quitting SBF partly so I can have some more writing time). I'm kinda lazy though; a lot of times I've started one but not finished it. Anyway great stories everybody.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cecelia wrote:
Loved it Chrysanthe!
Wishes part 2
Alissa was lying on her bed reading the latest American Girl magazine.Emily was nosing around on the floor."Whatcha doing girl?"Alissa lovingly asked. Emily looked up at her with Alissa's favorite book crumpled in her mouth."Emily! You bad dog! Mom come look at what Emily did this time!" wailed Alissa. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. The other day when Mom and Dad weren't home Emily had had an accident on the carpet! That was right before she got loose! Alissa and her older brother Steven had ran all around the neighborhood before they cornered her! When Mom got in the room she said "That's it! She is going to the pound first thing in the morning!" then she stomped off. Alissa wasn't going to let that happen! She picked up the fuzzy pink phone and called Leighanne.Leighanne rudely told her that she couldn't be friends with a runaway! Next she called Cecelia.Cecelia was reluctant but finally agreed to come with her pets too of course! Then she thought of Lorraine who would have been very eager to help if she wasn't on vacation.They did have one friend who had just gotten her license that had an r.v. That friend was Elise. They got packed up and ran away with their pets as quickly as possible! Then Cecelia had a brainstorm.they could breed Emily ansd sell her puppies! Now they just had to find a good Cocker Spaniel up for stud! Smile

Wow. As someone who works in a shelter, I find that story really depressing. Giving a dog up, who is supposedly your 'best friend' just because it chewed on a book? That's harsh. And breeding said dog for profit? I know it's just a story, but promoting irresponsible dog breeding is never a good thing. Someone who didn't know better might read your story and thing it's perfectly acceptable to breed the family dog and add to the unwanted pet population. Maybe there should be a disclaimer or something, that this is simply fiction, and all family pets should be spayed or neutered. Smile
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you would look back in the story.Alissa was not the one that wanted to give up Emily.It was her mother Lisi. I also think that family pets should normally be spayed or neutered. Emily is a purebred cocker spaniel. I think that it's alright that some purebred dogs should be bred to keep the breed around.With that said I have another DECENT story to write that should be done by tomorrow.
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