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Joined: 30 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:03 pm    Post subject: New Contest (Not usually seen on SBF) Reply with quote

Alright, I happened to be scrolling through the contests section and realize...there are no writing contests. Afterall, about everything we do on the forums is writing and I know SBFers have a lot of creativity. So anyways, here's the point: Create a short story that involves vampires, it can be a fairytale and you can incoporate the vampires into it or it can be your own! You can have a teenage vampire, "newborn" vampire, a really baby vampire or whatever. It can be romance, horror (though not graphic), or anything else. Your vampire can be the most beautiful thing or the ugliest, the most popular or the not so popular, can be a vegetarian or true to it's name. So you get the idea, just write a story about vampires and humans too!


No shorter than 400 words.
Must meet the idea
No graphic violence or anything like that
Please, I urge you to look over your work and fix spelling and grammar mistakes. It gets quite annoying to read those and try to make sense of what you meant to write.
Have fun! Don't feel like you have to stress on this, it doesn't have to be perfect.

Now, to the prizes!

First place: 10 million SBFC , Unlimited breedings (PM me), 5 tokens
Second place: 5 million SBFC, 2 free breedings (PM me), 1 endangered animal
Third place: 1 million SBFC, 1 endangered animal


Your work will be judged on the following:

How well it meets the standards
How well written (any spelling mistakes, wrong grammar...)
Is it enjoyable or does it just bore us? (Though I'm sure that won't happen from any of you)


This contest will end on June , 26, Friday so you will have a few days to complete it. Remember this isn't something to be obsessed with, when you find the time, write little parts of it. Good luck to everyone!

Last edited by Charlie1 on Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

june or july, there are only 4 days to june 20th by my chalender which can be quite a short time to write a story in, at least if you aim for more then a plot summary
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

** I edited it.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nods did one draft wise but its no good, its to basic (just 1k), need to flesh it out and get some details in...
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No problem, take your time, I'm sure it'll be great though
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

not so sure but i am bored, its harder writing stories single hand then interacting through rp Confused
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay!! *dances around in circles*
I love stories and any kind of writing.The tokens are needed too. lol
I tried to hold a writing contest before but there wasn't that much interest.
This week is packed for me.It'd be great if you gave us atleast two weeks but I'll try to scavenge something up in my spare
How many entries are allowed? Smile
Thanks for doing this.Cecelia ~the llama lady~
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll try and work on something....
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Joined: 30 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I understand Tanitsja, I find rping way easier to make into a story. Cool Cecilia and I guess I'll postpone it by 2 more days.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

meh i give up, i dont know what to do to fix this up without including more char views which will likely just confuse the whole story as it stand, there is several related plots that could be written about though, but i dont feel to inspired atm, maybe later

or the post could have been the intro post to an rp, with the storyline carying on, however the remaining storyline would take you away from the Vampire focus, so dont want to do that as the contest was about Vampires

the story is WoT based, from the PoV of an own char that i renamed for this story

The Start of a New Era in Wheel of Time
Cevala looked at the report in her hand, was it really possible at all, and had anyone else in the Tower learned of this. It was quite incredible, an old talent had resurfaced in a dread lord, hidden by its faction the woman had managed to learn the talent which allowed her to continue in Aginors footsteps. Cevala flipped the sheet around again looking at the drawing, it wasn’t original in itself, but yet incredible as Myyrdraal had been one of the mysteries of the dark for so long. A smile formed over her lips as she imagined what this new breed of spawn would mean to their battle, Vampire it was called, a mutation between Fade and Draghkar. By the information the creatures was built like a Fade, taller than most men, but it had eyes, the dark pools of the Draghkar, it also had inherited the wings of the later, and shadow walking abilities of the earlier. In addition it had inherited a mutation of the Draghkar ability to suck souls, in the place of the song was long sharp canine teeth’s used to suck the victim dry of blood instead of soul. The most scaring aspect that was only recently discovered, was its ability to turn humans into its kind through its bit.

Cevala shivered, this could be the key to the shadows victory in the last battle, if only the black Ajah could prevent their sisters in the light from learning of this until it was too late. She smiled; it was a good day for the shadow. A knock interrupted her thoughts; quickly she hid the letter inside a book and turned to the door, “yes?” Her Ajah head stepped in through the door “My sister its grave news, the sitters are already summoning the hall, but we need you to assemble a scouting party and head for the borderlands post haste, dire reports of attacks from what may seem like a progressed Draghkar breed have been reaching us. It’s important that the Green Ajah learn what we are up against.” Cevala nodded keeping her face blank from the feelings raging inside her, fools of some dread lord’s allowing the creatures to roam free, likely some young hotheads who had decided to test their skills and released one or more of them.

As soon as she was alone she burned the letter, it was too dangerous to keep, and despite her old age her memory was excellent. She gathered a small group of sisters and they left before evening fall, it was impossible to avoid having some not of the Black Ajah among them, but she had managed to limit the number to two somewhat younger green sisters. Due to the newly discovered wonders of traveling their party was able to reach borderland territory much faster than if they had to have ridden all the way. Their plan was to be at the last spot location by dawn, among the 6 sisters where no less than 8 warders, none of them hers which was odd for a green. It did not matter though, by dawn their party would be almost halved if all went as planned.

And as darkness started graying they reached the spot located in the letters to the White Tower, the dead bodies was reeking by this point, but otherwise looked unharmed, that was until one of the two brown Aes Sedai pointed out the two holes in one body’s neck. When she heard the soft ding she smiled, and Saidar flared in 4 of the 6, the shields slamming in place before her two younger Ajah sisters knew what was happening. A short sound of fighting among the warders before 4 of them was tied safely up in air, and then she turned just in time to see a gateway opened on the hill above them. Through the gate stepped their sister from the white sent to the fortress, along was two dread lords, a male and a female.

Cevala looked with expectations, she had hoped for a chance of first encounter with the new creature, when she heard the flaps of wings she smiled, and a moment later the being sailed through the gate before it closed. It landed far behind them, and they turned in awe, the next moment it was gone, folded into the shadows and she could hear a sound in front of them, turning back around she saw it stepping out of the shadows of a tree. Shortly after they were joined by their colleagues trained in the channeler’s fortress in the blight. Greetings where passed before they could make decisions, though with the Tarmon Gai’don on the doorsteps the choice was easy, besides none of the Black Ajah sisters wanted to miss out on a demonstration of the new creatures powers. They all stood back to watch in turn as the Vampire turned the 4 warders over into shadow service, their Aes Sedai struggling in their bonds, the two young sisters obviously fearful as well as agitated on behalf of their warders.

Cevala turned to one of them as the Vampire embraced its last victim, she could detect lots of feelings on the face, but not the crushing face that should meet her as a bond was snapped. “The bonds are intact..” she spoke in wonder, not at first realizing she had said it out aloud. One of the browns shook her head in denial, could it be possible, yet the lack of agony was all the answer they could need. The voice of the female dread lord brought her back to reality, “It won’t be for long, they will snap when we turn them. Will you come participate or do you have somewhere to be.”

Cevala looked on the dread lord, they were not expected to the Shinearan capitol until midday, it was not yet light outside, they had time and it was worth the risk, she had seen one herself as young, but she doubted that her younger fellow sisters had. “We will come”.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice story Tanitsja. Mine is a lot different but it's coming along.It's alreadyway over 400 words.Hope that's ok thanks for the extra 2 days Charlie Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

meh i dont like it, the idea is nice but i dont know, something dont feel rigth about how its written
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is my story and just in the nick of time.Hope you like! Smile

Vampire Contest Story

It was another gorgeous day. Every day was beautiful in Ellery’s eyes. When she woke up each morning, she would thank God for the new day. Ellery had always been a strange sort of person. Maybe it was because of her coal black hair, ice blue eyes, or the fact that she would read romance novels all day without even stopping to eat! No one accepted Ellery. At the age of fourteen, it was hard to be accepted no matter who you were. The main reason Ellery was different wasn’t because of strange hair, eyes, or obsessive reading. It was because she was a vampire! Vampires don’t suck your blood or pounce on any small creature; they are really just like us, only they have fangs. Ellery’s fangs weren’t disgusting or frightening. They were ice blue like her eyes, and her mother said they were beautiful. Her dear mother; Ellery forced herself not to think of her! She fiddled with her mp3 player and turned it to Big Girls Don’t Cry. That had become an important song to her ever since her Mother had left this world.
Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside. “Oh, no, not again!” Ellery screamed as she grabbed the closest thing to put on and ran outside to catch the bus. She piled up the steps and heard the usual sharp reprimand from the bus driver. “You’re not the only person on this bus, you know.” “Lousy kids,” Alban mumbled. Ellery just walked by. It was hard enough dealing with the kids. “Ellery! over here! I’ve been saving this seat just for you! A popular girl named Ashley called out. Ellery felt the normal suspicion but sat by her anyways. “ I’m so glad you’re here! We are having a big slumber party tonight at Tanya’s house. She told me to invite you. It’s gonna be a blast. Guaranteed,” Ashley enthusiastically announced. Ellery fidgeted nervously. “Sorry, Ashley, but I’m going away with my Dad tonight. I’d love to come over some other time” Ellery said with a bit of a quiver in her voice. “Some other time! Fine by me” Ashley said in a cold tone. She proceeded to turn around and talk to some other friends of hers. Ellery felt the normal pang of rejection but didn’t regret lying. The last party they had thrown Ellery had gone with them and it had blown up in her face. She could remember it like it had been yesterday. She opened the door and heard an instant burst of rock music. Ellery felt funny immediately and turned to go out the door. “Ellery, where are you goin’”? Lisha asked.
“I don’t feel too well. I’m going to go home.” Ellery turned again. “Don’t leave, I’m sure we can fix this some way!” Lisha said as she ran to the loud speakers. “Attention everyone! We need some vampire medicine, pronto!” Lisha announced with a giggle. Ellery turned bright red. When she is mad her fangs show and everyone began to roar with laughter. “My blood is not for sale!” Ashley had laughed. There had been a couple more smart comments before Ellery had fled. Would they ever tire? She wondered.
The noise of the bus screeching to a halt interrupted her thoughts. She moved out of the bus as quickly as possible. It was time for school again. The endless snide remarks and shoves continued through the day. Ellery fell back against the bathroom wall. “Just one more period before it is over.” She repeated. Then she stopped her mantra and listened. Someone was weeping. But who could it be? “Hello there. How are you doing? I mean what’s wrong?” Ellery stuttered. The noise stopped. A small girl crawled out from one of the stalls. “ Hi I’m four. My name is Grezebel. I lost my mommy. And I’m scared.” The girl shivered. “It’s okay. My name’s Ellery and I’ll try to help. When did you lose you mommy?” Ellery asked. “ When I was one day old.” The girl said decisively. “Where did you lose her?” Ellery tried not to laugh. The girl started crying again and Ellery hugged her. Once Grezebel was under control she said. “ I don’t know. I was only a day old. The bats dropped me here.” The girl said with a quiver. Ellery felt a chill go down her spine. Could it be? No it was not possible. She mentally shook herself. “Can you smile for me? Please?” Ellery quivered. Grezebel complied and what Ellery saw almost made her faint. There were two green fangs that matched Grezebel’s eyes. “How about you come home with me? We can be like sisters, alright?” Ellery said, regretting the words instantly. “That would be great. Let’s go home now!” Grezebel jumped up and down. “Easy there, you have to stay in this closet until after gym class. Can you do that?” Ellery couldn’t stop the words that were flowing from her mouth. Grezebel nodded sincerely and stepped inside the closet, pressing a finger to her lips. Ellery smiled and turned to run to gym class. This was going to be a long day.
Ellery ran to gym class with a vengeance. “I will not be late,” She repeated. By the time she arrived, the other girls were walking out of the locker room. “Hey Ellery,” the gym teacher roared, “ what’s your excuse this time?” he interrogated. Ellery swallowed hard, trying to think up an excuse. “ I was in the bathroom. You know how that goes.” Ellery coughed to cover up the laugh that threatened to spill out. George threw his hands up in the air as if to say “hurry up then.“ Ellery ran into the locker room and changed as fast as possible. After running a mile, doing leg lifts, and playing a gruesome game of dodgeball, Ellery was ready to do it all over again. You see, because she was a vampire, she had incredible athletic abilities. When she ran, she was really skimming air, and she could fly as high as ten feet. Ellery decided she should fly right now to go get Grezebel. Once she reached the closet, she opened the door expectantly. Grezebel was curled up in a ball. She was sleeping. “I should wake her,” Ellery thought, but Grezebel beat her to it. “I’m ready to go!” Grezebel said. Ellery smiled. “So am I, let’s go!” They slipped out the back door and headed home.
They walked home in silence before reaching the house. Ellery showed her where she could lie down and told her that dinner would be ready soon. Ellery made her way to the kitchen, and thought about her decision about Grezebel. It was not the wisest choice. She should have turned her in to the principal. Things would have been so much simpler if she had left Grezebel in the dust. “Make dinner. Don’t think.” She told herself. Ellery made some mac n’ cheese before she put hot sauce on it. Vampires have strange food preferences. Grezebel had fallen asleep so she ate alone and put the rest in the fridge.

By the time Ellery got to bed her head was spinning. Her mother had died pregnant. It had been tragic and the baby had not made it; or had she? That had been four years ago. When vampire children got lost the bats would take them in and lead them to their families. Had that happened to Grezebel? “ It wouldn’t have taken four years,” Ellery said. Then she remembered. Her mother had died in Europe. Her funeral had been here but that was after her body had been shipped from overseas. Mother’s locket had been lost in the shuffle. “ The locket!” Ellery gasped. She awoke Grezebel at once and Grezebel said .“ This is my locket. Mother gave it to me!” as she clutched the locket to her chest. Ellery started crying, that was their mother’s locket. A bit of her mother was home again.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry I'm late but I'll just make up something!

Ebony was star-struck... Gobbo held out the struggling bat in his arms.

"Go on, bite it! Your no scared, are you?" Gobbo mocked. Everyone started to crowd around, yelling "Eat it, eat it!"
Ebony had had enough, slumped her head and broke down in tears. All through school, people teased her for being a vegetarian. Through pre-vampschool when the smaller vampire children were stopped biting each other by being given soft toys. Then Vampschool where they were taught how to fly and bite neck properly (where Ebony had vanished through-out the lessons), and then half way through High Vampschool, where the teachers knew about her decision... but frowned upon it.

While Ebony was crying, she ran through emotions of sadness, despair, brokeness and finally anger. Her head came up a little and through silver hair, her emerald eyes shone through. Her fist tightened and in one swift movement, she punched Gobbo across the face, knocking him over and loosening one of his teeth in the process.
Laughter up-roared from the crowd as Gobbo sprawled across the concrete paving crying out in pain.

Just then Ms. Biteovlia flew across the gloomy yard to the tremendous uproar. Everything went silent.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" she asked, glaring at Ebony.
"Would you care to explain yourself, Ms. Vegaria? Or would you like to get a detention now?"
"Well, miss, Gobbo was mocking me because I'm a vegetarian and i lashed out... the detention please..."
Just when nearly all hope was lost, the bat slumped out from Gobbo's body....

To be continued....

This story kinda i like my life, always being teased about being a vege...
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