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Joined: 07 Nov 2007 Posts: 473
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:15 pm Post subject: |
Wow SiNathalie, I don't think I'd be able to keep track of that.
I have three cats, all wonderful and amazing. I have one old female, who really rules the roost. She likes to put the other two younger ones in there place.
Princess, the 7-year-old alpha kitty. She pretty much is the head, and puts the other two in their place. She does what she wants, whenever she wants. She also weighs 20 lbs... sheza big kitty. She is sorta a calico-ish cat. Princess is fixed and declawed.
Gabriella, the 2-year-old. We got this cat from the human society when she was a kitten. She almost died becuase she was so sick. However, she obviously made it. She is a care-free, loving cat. You cannot scare this cat. She is rarely ever scared at anything. She is also such a lover becuase you'll just sit on the couch and she'll come and lay in your lap. She's also like a dog becuase if your in the kitchen she likes to come beg for food. We call her Gabby for short. She weighs 14 lbs... gettin sorta big. She is a black cat with a white milk mustache(as we call it) and white under her belly with white paws. She is also fixed but not declawed.
Ginger, the 1-year-old. This cat is an absolute crazed maniac. She is so skittish and has so much energy. When we first got her as a kitten you couldn't really do anything with her because she was so afraid. Over time she realized it was okay and she turned out to be a lover as well. She is still nervous about new people though. She has just started to come and sit in your lap. I'm the only one that can really pick her up and mess with her without her scratching or anything. She really trusts me alot. She weighs 6 lbs... tiny little thing. Isn't fixed or declawed. We're afraid to put her under because my neighbor's cat came from the same mother as her and she had a bad heart. When her cat was being fixed she almost died. She is buff colored... as the vets say. The people at the desk there simply adore her.
Star, the 11-year-old. I have one amazingly awesome horse named Star. I love her to pieces. I got her on 11/18/06 as a Christmas present. About a week ago marked a year. I do hunter with her, but won't be showing with her for awhile. She ripped a ligament, nearly missing the bone, last year. We went to the vet, and she was put on stall rest for about 3-4 months. After that I had to just about reteach her everything she knew, well pretty much just a brain-jogger. It took her little while for her to get back into things. She is a Flea-Bitten Grey, but her spots are rusty colored. I think she is simply beautiful once she sheds her fuzzy winter coat. Oh, and she's a Thoroughbred. Her show name is Galaxy of Dreams. I love her, and I guess I can tell she loves me too.(haha. ) She always comes up and nuzzles me, puts her head on my shoulder or my chest, and nickers to me when I come to the barn or come the pasture to bring her in.
Guinea Pig
Last but not least, we have Buddy. He's sorta a family pet but stays in my room. He's black and orange. Lets see... when you pet his fur the opposite way, he squeaks!  |
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Joined: 09 Oct 2007 Posts: 55
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:52 pm Post subject: |
Haha, okay, I admit - I cheated. I couldn't for the life of me remember every one of their names on comand. I knew what they looked like, their personaly quirks, but not a lot of their names, or if they were fixed. I checked our computers. A Bunch of them have more formal names, but their nick names and such were listed too. like...Timmy is Tin Can Man, but no one calls him that. Ace is Ace in the Hole. Rusty is...just Rusty ^^ Merci is Have Merci. [pronounced mercy, but spelled that way cause her previous owner was married to a french woman...idk] Actually, I think I'll go back and add all those names ^^. i think i'd be |
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Joined: 27 Dec 2006 Posts: 62
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:53 pm Post subject: |
SiNathalie said:
My mom and dad are vets. My mom usually works with farm animals, and my dad works with more wild animals, like animals on reservations or sometimes from the zoo, though not often, because they have their own vets.
Thats so cool!Do you get to see the wild animals often? |
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Cashmere Acres Inc
Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 297
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:14 pm Post subject: |
Any Horse can be great with training, you don't need expensive horses to produce a champion |
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Cashmere Acres Inc
Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 297
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:17 pm Post subject: |
SiNathalie wrote: | You think yall have a lot?
My mom and dad are vets. My mom usually works with farm animals, and my dad works with more wild animals, like animals on reservations or sometimes from the zoo, though not often, because they have their own vets.
So, I have....
21 horses
o1. Timmy /Tin Can Man/
o2. Ace /Ace in the Hole/
o3. Rusty
o4. Merci /Have Merci/
o5. Hugo
o6. Dylan
o7. Tic /Stick to Tic/
o8. Posie /Ring Around the Rosie/
o9. Cactus
o10. Tony
o11. Sydney /Come See Me in Sydney/
o12. Cumberband
o13. Sweety /Ain't I A Sweety/
o14. Apache /War Chief/
o15. Two-Step
o16. Skylar
o17. Smitty /Witty Smitty/
o18. Brolover
o19. Cola /Mm Coke/
o20. Sneaks /Sneak-a-peek/
o21. Vannie /So Vain/
6 ponies
o1. Pokey /Hokey Pokey/
o2. Kelli
o3. Bellz /Jingle Bellz/
o4. Topper /Top Man/
o5. Douse /Firefighter/
o6. Faith /Leap of Faith/
29 dogs
o1. Sam /Sam I Am/
o2. Sabra
o3. Barney
o4. Zorro
o5. Sheba /Queen of Sheba/
o6. Dakota
o7. Cody
o8. Cassie
o9. Tinkerbell
o10. Smog /City Smog/
o11. Blazer
o12. Jewel
o13. Lila
o14. Bud /Bud Lite/
o15. Libby
o16. Chamberlin /Lord Chamberlin/
o17. Tostito
o18. MiniMe /Smidgeit/
o19. Sargent
o20. Maxamillion
o21. Wolf
o22. Bufferz /Buffy the Vampire Zlayer/
o23. Sadie
o24. Whosika
o25. Bingo
o26. Astro /Astro Jettson/
o27. Cosmo
o28. Elvis
o29. Shakespeare
7 cats
o1. Missy Kitty
o2. Mischif
o3. Sandy
o4. Buddy
o5. Benjie
o6. Callie
o7. Quazar
14 wolves
o1. Alpha
o2. Shara
o3. Beta
o4. Mocha
o5. Sip
o6. Java
o7. Holindos
o8. Devil /Daredevil/
o9. Ebra
o10. Shock
o11. Midnight
o12. Tripper
o13. Rose
o14. Telia
1 eagle
o1. Smithsonian [Soni]
3 falcons
o1. Hawk
o2. Crapper [CC] /High Sky Cripple/
o3. Arabelle
4 tigers
o1. Neeia
o2. Erin
o3. Cecil
o4. Cambel
5 boas
o1. Verde
o2. Andaconda [Andie]
o3. Vertigo
o4. Nicco
o5. Jamal
4 ducks
o1. Donald /Donald Duckie/
o2. Daisy
o3. Chrissie
o4. Honk
1 swan
o1. Hawaii
endless frogs and rabits
several cockateils
a room full of butterflys
1 lioness
o1. Nala
6 zebras
o1. Zippo
o2. Mako
o3. Kim
o4. Alcede
o5. Fawn
o6. Durem
2 jaguars
o1. Mace
o2. Wellers
6 chimps
o1. Lambrige
o2. Mr. Fizz
o3. Crackers
o4. Homni
o5. Vessina
o6. Junti Khan
3 monkeys
o1. Shrek
o2. Monsterella
o3. Jujube
12 deer
1 moose
o1. Beastie /Silver Shot Beast/
1 pond full of saltwater fish
1 pond full of freshwater fish
1 she-bear
o1. Kamoora [Mo]
Most of them are nutered, exspecally the males. there are a few who're not, and those are the ones who have good traits. We'll either breed them or set them in the wild and let what they do out there. The wolves are actually all unnutered, because they're fairly endangered. We have a deal with the local wildlife foundation that they pay for any expenses any pups might cost, for their entire life. Like, we would have only had ten wolves, but Alpha and Java had pups, Midnight, Mocha, Tripper, and Shock.
Also, Mo the bear is unnutered. But she has a bad leg and wouldn't be able to survive in the wild, so we're either going to nuter her sometime, or we'll breed her and [maybe] set the cub(s) out to the wild after they're able to care for themselves. But artificial insemination would be the only way to go, because I don't want a full grown male bear romping around my property. Besides, Mo could get hurt that way, too.
The Moose is nutered, the deer are not.
Shrek and Jujube are not nutered, and Monsterella is their baby. They actually had twins [^^] but we sold the male to one of my mom's friend's boss. Confusing, but whatever. He was strong and growing right, but Monsterella is a runt, absolutely tiny, and her tail is crooked. I think it's endearing, but aparently its a bad thing with capuchin? Monsterella is nutered, so she wont breed the trait.
Mr. Fizz, Crackers, Homni, and Junti Khan arn't nutered. Homni's baby is Lambridge, and Vessina is Mr. Fizz's older sister. Both Lambridge and Vessina are nutered.
Mace is not fixed, Wellers is. Mace is so gentle anyway, we didn't see the need. Wellers, while fixed, is still the leader of the two brothers. They actually hang out togeather, which is unusuall for big cats besides lions.
Zippo, Mako, and Durem can't have babies, and I'm a bit upset that Mako can't, cause he's such a sweetie, and so, so beautiful, if a zebra could be beautiful. His eyes though, so big! Expressive...-sigh- Kim, Alcede, and Fawn can have babies. I can't wait. I don't think Zebras only breed with one female, like wolves do, but I'm not sure. I hope not, cause we only have one male and two females. I cant wait for baby zebras!!
Nala, sadly, is nutered. She's our only lion, but whatever. Trust me, she's enough! I luff her.
Our fair swan is not nutered, but I doubt we'll find another swan for her. Oh well, you don't get to play with swans that much anyway, but that doesn't mean I love her less! And yes, we did get her from Hawaii. They dont have black swans, so Hawaii is white.
Soni is not fixed, again with a contract with the wild life preserve. He is a bald eagle, and we only have him because he's blind and he cant fly. We don't clip his feathers, he just can't fly. He's young though, like four. I think the preserve wants to breed him - they have a few females, but no males just yet. They offered to buy him a few times, too. We refused. ^^
None of our hawks are fixed, but Crapper and Hawk fight a lot, so... I don't know.
Neeia, Erin, and Cambel arnt fixed, either. Cecil isnt, but she's a cub! Erin's cub, with Cambel. Neeia prolly would have had a cub too, but we didn't have her then. Maybe next time.
All our boas but Nicco are nutered, but they're all males. And no, Andie is not an andaconda, that's just his name.
Daisy and Honk arn't fixed, but the others are. I would have liked Donald to be able to breed to Daisy, cause that seems right, but...He came to us fixed.
None of our rabits, frogs, birds, and butterflys are nutered. Thats not the way I would have liked it, but it's just too difficult. Don't ask.
Just overlay. Most of our animals are rescued, but some of them are bought just because we wanted them. Like Hawaii.
///Edited with formal names/// |
PPPFfft i have more than that i have 35 horses now, 2 cats, 20 fish, 300 chooks, 30 birds 1 cockateil and heaps more we get 150 baby chickens a month |
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Joined: 21 Dec 2006 Posts: 114
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:59 am Post subject: |
Ha Ha! And my parents complain about how many we have! We only have three dogs, Jessie, Willow, and Buckley, and five rabbits, Tobie, Sammie, Piper, Pippin, and Andi. Jessie is a Siberian Husky/Australian Shepherd, Willow is a Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier, and Buckley is a purebred Pomeranian. Tobie, Sammie, Piper, Pippin, and Andi are Dutch mixes (we think). Unfortunately I have to find a home for Tobie and Sammie as my parents aren't particularly thrilled at having "so many". *cries* But I'm trying to find a good home!  |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006 Posts: 1487
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:24 pm Post subject: |
That's too bad that you have to get rid of your bunnies Brianne! I just got a new Dutch mix bunny named Sugarbaby! We think she may be pregnant. If she is it wasn't irresponsible on our part because she just came to our house and she probably was pregnant before we got her!  |
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Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 775
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:35 pm Post subject: |
I will go from smallest to biggest.
Joey my Blue male betta hes around 3 years old
My two angel fish , D.J and Jenny about 9 years old
A bunch of Fancy Guppies xP and a Cory cat names cory, all of them are about 4 years old
Jinxx and Chubbs my Teddy bear hamsters (both are brown and white) about 2 or 3 years old
Mini Rex Rabbits:
Cookie one of my Mini Rex rabbits shes about 5 years old her color is broken Chocolate.
Harley Cookies baby about 1 year old her color is Harley xD
Reese also cookies baby, harleys little brother, hes about 1 year old too and same color as harley with more tort
Crumbles 2 years old, tri colored
Checkers, dad is reese mother is crumbles, she is about 5 months old, shes a broken tort.
Petey, checkers sister from the same litter, hes a tri color (he had a sister, Red, but I sold her.
Eragon- crumbles baby, but I dont know the fathers name, hes a tri color, about 3 months old
Spash- eragon's brother, broken red/ tri color.
Shpira, cookie babys, dont know the fathes name, she is also 3 months old and her color is broken Opal, but she might change to broken chocolate.
(breeding crumbles and reesse again xD)
My cat Daisy, I have had her for 8 years and I think she is 9, she is black and white short hair.
My Hens- Midnight, Fall, Rain, and Snowball (Salt died)
My dogs:
Jasper- Half golden retriever and half irish setter. Hes about 7 years old, likes to retrieve and agility, overall an obediant dog hes my fav of all of my dogs, He is also my most trained dog
Cody- My Greyhound and husky mix, loves garbage -.- Hes about 2 years old, and pure white with one spot.
Zack my newset puppy, hes german shep, aussy, and bordercollie. He has the longest tail I swear.
My horses:
Tea Biscuit, Morgan cross
WunzIn A Blue Moon: Pure bred Arab
Tahna: not sure.
and I think thats it. I would add more to the horses but I ran out of time. |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006 Posts: 1487
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:02 pm Post subject: |
That's so cool Jasper. My rabbit might be having babies soon! I just hope she doesn't have too many!  |
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007 Posts: 1868
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:25 pm Post subject: |
Boooo Hooo my little fishy diedand we beriued him yesterday |
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Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 775
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:02 am Post subject: |
Cecelia wrote: | That's so cool Jasper. My rabbit might be having babies soon! I just hope she doesn't have too many!  |
I always wished for big litters but the most my rabbits have ever had at one time was 5, but there were 2 peanuts and they never survive, sadly. Crumbles is due in about 3 weeks ^.^ |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006 Posts: 1487
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:05 am Post subject: |
I bet you can't wait for Crumbles babies to come! Sugarbaby is due in approximately two days but I suppose that she could have them anytime now! |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2006 Posts: 1487
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:38 pm Post subject: |
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Joined: 28 Nov 2006 Posts: 185
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:12 am Post subject: |
Mischa - Llasa Apso x Toy Poodle 1yr desexed female
Jack - Border collie X cattle dog 11yr desexed male
Remy - DSH black tortishell spayed female 4yrs
Molly - DSH Black and white spayed female 2yrs
Sunny - Green male budgie 11yrs
Crystal - Yello-faced blue female budgie 9yrs
Fish - 6, misture of all sorts
1x Silky
3x Pekin
2x Leghorn
2x Rode Island crosses
2x Silky cross
2x Australorp
1x Muscovy Duck female
Archie - 18yr Bay Throughbred gelding
Rockie - 10yr Bay Thoroughbred gelding
Orpie - 5yr Black/Brown Thoroughbred gelding
Andre - 5yr Brown Thoroughbred gelding
Mia - 18yr Chestnut Quarterhorse x Thoroughbred mare with foal at foot
Lilly - 7 week old Tobiano Paint Quarterhorse X Thoroughbred filly
(newest member to the family and absolutely gorgeous!) |
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Joined: 09 Oct 2007 Posts: 55
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:51 am Post subject: |
Just got more animals!
Haha, both my parents surprised eachother with new animals for christmas, so we have double newbies.
We now have a team of eight nameless oxen. Two are red and white mixed, two are white, two are fawn colored, one's black and the other is black leopard spotted. They were bought in teams to pull on some southern farm, and Mom bought them seperatly.
We also have a new laberdoodle X german shephard male, only six months old! He's brown, has the poodle's curlly coat, but he has pointed ears. His tail curls up on his back.
I have a new fuzzy brownish orange three year old orangutan...
and a blackish red lemur with a white face, one white ear and huge mud yellow eyes. Not to mention a ringed tail that I luff so much, complements of the San Diego zoo.
I also have three Ibex, named Larry, Curley, and Mo, and a camel named Rock.
Some one help me pick names for my nameless new pets!! |
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